Imagine a brand that truly reflects the passion and expertise you pour into your business.

You're tired of spending your precious time moonlighting as a designer, brand strategist or analytics guru.

You really want to stop changing your website template as often as you change your shoes every time you get dressed up for a networking event – wondering which style is best and constantly looking for that “perfect match”.

The truth is, you want strategic, intentional design that connects with your ideal client on a deeper level – and leaves you feeling confident as hell, no matter how saturated the market. You want more clarity, more sales, and less stress.

You’re in the right place.

  • A neutral beige business card is shown on top of a light brown couch cushion, featuring the logo design for Mildred & Co.
  • A dark purple image of over-ear headphones is shown with a logo design for a virtual assistant on top.
  • A burnt orange background image of florals is shown with the logo design for Prairie Roots Floral Studio on top.

Say hello to the brand that will take you from "just another option" to "in demand professional".

You know that you need to invest in your business in order to set yourself up for success, but you can’t help but feel like you’re “not ready” or “not successful enough” for a designer brand. But here’s the thing: a solid brand foundation is an incredibly valuable tool that is going to catapult you towards your big dreams.

By the time we’re done working together, you won’t just have a collection of stunning designs and a shiny website. You’ll have renewed confidence in your positioning, messaging, and presentation, helping you to show up for your audience and sell your services like it’s your day job (which it kinda is, right?).

So, if you’re looking for a collaborative partner to do just that, I’d love to help.

Kayleigh, owner of Evolve32 Media Inc. sits in a rattan chair beside a white fireplace. She has her laptop open and is looking at her computer screen.

Hi, I'm Kayleigh!

I’m on a mission to help female business owners leverage their brand, stand out from the competition, and create the business they’ve always dreamed of.

After working in web design and multimedia roles for over a decade, I’ve seen firsthand the impact that design can have on the human brain. I’ve also learned a LOT about the technical side of a strong website (one that looks stunning, appeals to your audience AND works hard gathering analytics and helping you rank on Google? Yes, please!).

I’m not just here to choose a pretty font for you and slap a logo together. You deserve a unique, purposeful and show-stopping brand that can grow with your business.

Meet Your Designer
  • Intake

    You fill out my intake form here.

  • Discovery Call

    I’ll send over a calendar link so you can select a time for a quick phone or video discovery call (your preference)!

  • Booking

    We’ll lock in your project with a 30% deposit.

  • Onboarding

    You’ll complete a series of client questionnaires that help me understand your target audience and unique goals. 

  • Design Phase

    It’s design-time! Sit back, relax and let me work some magic for your brand.

You already know that your business has what it takes to succeed. Now it’s time for everyone else to know it too.